Full Name
Takavada Chitsa
Job Title
CBC Pension Fund
Speaker Bio
Takavada has a Bachelors in finance & banking, a Master’s in strategic accounting (Robert Gord University – Scotland), a Master of Finance from the University of Toronto. and is a Chartered Management Accountant (CIMA), CPA Canada, Chartered Global Management Accountant (issued by AICPA).

A finance professional with extensive knowledge and experience in financial and regulatory reporting and works for CBC Pension Fund. CBC Pension Plan is a federally regulated contributory defined benefit pension plan with over $8 billion in net assets. Takavada plays a leading role in financial & regulatory reporting and oversee the pension benefits payment process. Before joining CBC Pension Plan in 2021, Takavada worked in the banking sector for five years, the energy sector for three years, and the advertising and marketing sector for two years.
Takavada Chitsa