Robert Goobie - HOOPP
Dan Kiefer - CalPERS
Lisa Mantello - Osler, Hoskin, Harcourt LLP

Moderator: Charles Quintal - President, Retirement Committee - Assembly of Quebec Catholic Bishops
Robert Goobie - Assistant Vice President Collateral Management, Fixed Income and Derivatives, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP)
Dan Kiefer - Investment Manager, California Public Employees' Retirement System (CalPERS)
Lisa Mantello - Partner, Banking and Financial Services, Osler, Hoskin, Harcourt LLP
Please join us as our moderator Charles Quintal, engages in an in-depth conversation with our honoured Fireside Chat guests, Robert Goobie, Dan Kiefer and Lisa Mantello, on how the Global Peer Financing Association (GPFA) was formed for the benefit of global beneficial owners members actively engaged in the securities financing industry with the goal to promote a more efficient and actionable way to increase and support peer to peer connections and opportunities.