Chris Steele - Conway Data, Inc.
Moderator: Chris Steele - Vice President, Advisory for Conway Data, Inc.
Lois Tullo - CFO/CCO/CRO, Risk Management Faculty, Global Risk Institute
The spread of Viral Disease was one risk Lois Tullo was tracking back in the fall of 2019. SARS, MERS, HIV, and the Swine flu were all trending towards another pandemic. COVID-19 has accelerated the interaction with other risks and trends unseen in recent history. We must chart a new course, repurposing our organizations and investments as we continue to navigate through uncertain times. This session will apply the learning that organizations have applied from the Global Risks and Trends Framework (GRAFT): from recognizing how we got here, to changing their assumptions, and charting new strategies, business models, and methods of working. Please join Lois for an interactive session to discuss the challenges facing organizations today, to develop new insight into the investments on the horizon.