Full Name
Tony Trier
Job Title
Senior Portfolio Manager – Fixed Income and Currencie
TELUS Pension Investments
Speaker Bio
With just under four decades of research and funds-management experience (six years as research analyst in a government treasury department followed by nearly one-third century as senior portfolio manager responsible for fixed-income and currencies), Tony has often undertaken multi-disciplinary engagements at his various employers including, for instance, currency risk management research to support currency hedging policy recommendations (2003); support for privatization initiative (1989-90); corporate sinking fund management (1988-2000); first-adopter direct investment in commodities in Canada (1996) and modelling of sustainable spending projections for endowments (1983). Research interests have included liquidity risk management, incentive structures for portfolio managers and risk managers, finder's fee model for incentive compensation mechanisms -- some of which have inspired commentary in trade journals (during 1998-2006) or provided subject matter for guest university lectures in undergraduate finance (2010, 2012)
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