How to Move the Needle on ESG Data Measurement in Private Equity
Date & Time
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
Isaac Olowolafe Kookai Chaimahawong Catherine Isabelle Sunil Vaswani

Leading GPs and LPs have partnered on a standardized set of ESG metrics and data reporting through the ESG Data Convergence Initiative. This panel will discuss these benchmarks, and provide examples of how they are putting these metrics into place.

Moderator: Sunil Vaswani, Head of Marketing & Client Relations, Americas, ICG

Catherine Isabelle, Senior Director, Responsible Investment, PSP Investments
Isaac Olowolafe Jr., Co-founder & General Partner, BKR Capital
Kookai Chaimahawong, ESG Partner, UpperStage.Capital